Spy x Family doesn’t have and official release date yet, but is expected to debut sometime in 2022.

Meanwhile, WIT Studio has been one of the most highly regarded anime studios of the last decade thanks to things like the first three seasons of Attack on Titan, The Ancient Magus Bride, and Vinland Saga. CloverWorks has had a recent string of success with shows like Promised Neverland, Horimiya, and Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai. The adaptation will be a coproduction between CloverWorks Studio and WIT Studio. Since then, the manga has had 55 issues released. So my guy was the dignified contender, there are 2 other contenders to choose from. It is one of the contenders, my clues were 'nasty sword, normal hair and has a beard. The series is written and illustrated by Tatsuya Endo and started its run in 2019. The quest log will tell you when you have enough clues to identify the spy within the city. While Twilight is afraid of letting his fake wife figure out he’s a spy, she’s secretly an assassin, and their “daughter” is a psychic who just wants to keep her new family together. Spy x Family follows a secret agent named Twilight as he attempts to infiltrate the government of an enemy state using a fake family as cover. CloverWorks Studio and WIT Studio, the studios behind the project, announced the series on Sunday. Spy x Family, one of the most popular and acclaimed manga of the last several years, is finally getting an anime.